Monday 21 May 2012

Walking up and down from the Horio

This morning we set off early (for us) to test drive the instructions as to how to find the Donkey Tracks at the top of the Horio, starting at the Olive Tree. Su has written on her blog about this new series of guides.

The walk involved navigating through the pirate-deterring maze of winding, narrow lanes whilst steadily climbing up the hill. We found a couple ambiguous instructions (I was there as the idiot in idiot-proofing) but resolved them successfully. Ended up right above the village with stupendous views over Nimborio, Yialos and Pedi bays and across to Turkey. Met David from Marseilles there, who is on Symi for the best part of two months this Summer.

After wending our way back down the hill, passed this great example of many layers of whitewash. Arriving back at the Olive Tree we celebrated with breakfast and coffee, before setting off in the opposite direction down to Pedi bay through the valley. Much cooler off the road and under the trees. In Pedi, we came across Richard waiting for the bus back to Yialos in the taverna on the beach. After he left, we enjoyed the view before climbing back up the hill to some lunch, and then some washing.

Su is having a siesta, and I wonder if I should rouse her to go down to Toby & Neil's wine night at Symi Dream? Tomorrow's blog may tell...

Also shown in today's photos, a great piece of graffiti that defeats my mathematical abilities (the Greek letter
Pi is "p" in English - still too
gnomic for me) and one of the beautiful but wicked teazle/thistles that are in abundance.

1 comment:

  1. I suspect the abbreviation on your graffiti stands for "Best Friends For Ever" or (less polite version) "Best F****** Friends Ever"
